If I ask you…
What is the difference between Internet and web?
Probably, you may think that both are the same thing. But is not exactly the same.
Internet is the tool you need to use services of the World Wide Web.
What is the World Wide Web?
The World Wide Web is a net of thousand and thousand of interlinked documents.
The most of them are HyperText Markup Languages (HTML) Documents, a kind of documents which store the information of web pages.
Each document or resource that people search on the Internet has a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that tell us what computer or web service has the resource or document we search.
Every web page has an IP adress, a group of four numbers separated by dots that identifies a single web page.
But the row IP is very difficult to be remembered. For this reason, the web domain gives people a web site name eassier to recall.
Este post se basa en mis apuntes del CFGS de Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Multiplataforma que estoy estudiando en modalidad e-learning en el IES Juan Bosco de Alcázar de San Juan.
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